
@cuddlebaboon This is what "equality" to a Feminist actually looks like.

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@Tfmonkey yes, except for humans they cannot achieve their "feminist utopia" without the help of male simps in the police enforcement, military and other coercion institutions.

@cuddlebaboon The tyranny of the weak can only be accomplished with the permission of the strong.

@Tfmonkey we all know the answer to this problem.
Afganistan is leading the way by example

@Tfmonkey unfortunately I don't think western countries will follow Afghanistan's path.
Men in western countries have been sheltered from hardships of life for too long and became effeminate cucks through social engineering and welfare programs.
Afganistan has purged out all weak men through wars with Soviet Union in the 90's and than with western countries (NATO) after that.
Wars are beneficial to humanity in a weird way because it weeds out the weak

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