
@idea_enjoyer I have a thought experiment/parable about this.

Imagine if vampires were real and humans formed vampire-hunter groups, but people argued that the problem isn't vampires, but men because Dracula was a man, and that female vampires are sexy, so they should be left alone. Then the "vampire hunters" only attacked male vampires as well a normal humans who wore too much black or liked rare steak.

Meanwhile the vampires would continue to prey on humans and grow stronger.

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Your thought experiment is alarmingly true to life
@Tfmonkey @idea_enjoyer

"Imagine if vampires were real and humans formed vampire-hunter groups, but people argued that the problem isn't vampires, but men because Dracula was a man, and that female vampires are sexy, so they should be left alone. Then the "vampire hunters" only attacked male vampires as well a normal humans who wore too much black or liked rare steak. Meanwhile the vampires would continue to prey on humans and grow stronger."

It might be too... on the nose, amirite?
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