how many more beatings till morale improves ? goyimz :(

@dander it has to affect people personally. The pain of inaction has to exceed the pain of action.

Seeing stuff happen on TV might as well be stuff happening on the other side of the world. It needs to be felt to be real.

The problem isn't that people are stupid, it's that they're weak. Good times don't make people stupid. Good times makes them weak. Weakness is the problem.

@Tfmonkey i can understand why so many cultures in just dispiced weakness . its bothers me to no end just how much normies will put up with .we have historic precedence too even all thats not enough. honestly i feel like none of these normie niggaz are worth saving .so much , too much historic trends , aka a play rehearsal to the t


@dander it's because slave morality. We believe our worship of weakness is what makes us better and more civilized than everyone else.

To admit we were wrong is to undermine our entire identity. It will never happen voluntarily.

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