I can't get over the fact that life is pointless. Why? Specially for a loner like me

Where is the solace in knowledge, in sexuality, in family, in the next generation, in sports, in petty activities? Where tf is it? All of them end at one instant or the other. Swimming in the general harshness of life

@envelopeme meaning is inward facing. You decide your own meaning, like how your favorite song means something to you, or how your loved ones mean something to you.

Purpose is a bit different. Purpose is outward facing. It's where you fit in, your function, or what you were "made" to do.

To find your purpose think about what makes you happy that isn't simply fulfilling a biological urge, what you're good at, and what pays your bills.

The Japanese call it Ikigai.

@Tfmonkey The first one's covered. Right. I can trace and find my purpose. Not difficult. Maybe this is an issue born out of the wrong definition of the word I assumed

@envelopeme look into Japanese ikigai, as they have the best formalized handle on the concept.

Also, based on your avatar, I assume you're familiar with absurdism so this is all old ground.

The point of life is to live. It's like dancing or enjoying any kind of "play". When you dance, you're not trying to accomplish anything, you're just enjoying the experience.

In fact, trying to impose a point onto play ruins the fun. Educational games are awful aren't they?

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