
@grey due to Feminism, nobody is having kids, but the Left can import immigrants to offset their numbers while the Right cannot, hence the Left always "wins" once you give women rights.

The Left is inherently anti-nationalist, so they want to water down national culture and identity in favor of an internationalist/globalist one, hence the destruction of history throughout the West.

Everything from the obsession with immigration, the hatred of history, etc. can all be explained by Leftist power

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@Tfmonkey @grey I wish you were wrong, but that's pretty much spot on. Even though open boarders was recently a libertarian economic position, it's always been about an attack on traditionalists and our power structure— the family»community»nation. As you said, they water down nationalism with new people, but it also crushes their leftist populism because solidarity doesn't work as an ad hoc component. We're full circle with neoliberalism being a return to feudalistic practices of owning nothing but they import infinite third worlders as an existential threat to keep people in line. To any leftists hate-reading this, you only see criticisms towards policies that work to improve lesser developed countries (El Salvador) and the leaders that implement them will be pilloried (RIP Gaddafi) by the same group of people that said there were WMDs in Iraq. They need to have "shit hole countries" so the system can treat people here like garbage and import replacements as punishment for our refusal to be serfs. Screw these people for ruining our country AND ruining other countries who just want to cleanup their own problems.
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