@rohrkrepierer Jews are disproportionately represented in the ruling class, but I assumed that their bond was more ideological than ethnic, and while I've known Leftists who employ double-standards to defend Israel, many other Leftists hate Israel for purely ideologically consistent reasons.

Seeing the entire Progressive establishment treat its own side like Trump supporters on this one issue because Israel is threatened proves that the bond is indeed more ethnic than ideological.

@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
Close, but ethnic is not quite right. It's more of a nationalistic bond, enhanced through religion. But otherwise, that's something I could have told you a long time ago. They're not an ideological monolith, but they might have one of the strongest nationalistic bonds, that managed to keep them unified as a people even when they didn't have a country they could call their own.

@scarlet @rohrkrepierer I see what you're saying, but nationalism tends to refer to recognizable countries with defined borders. I know there is this concept of racial nationalism, but most people are nationalistic are defined by a country, not a people.

That's why I said ethnic, but I could have said racial nationalism, or tribalism.

Definitions are muddled because race-based nationalism is associated with racism (probably by design) and it tend to make people defensive and obstruct dialogue.

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@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer
The entire video is interesting to watch, but this part here is most relevant to witness how Jews interpret their nationalism.

@NEETzsche you might find this interesting too.

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