asking for body count is only okay with hit(wo)men

@kaia Refusing to answer the question is itself answering the question.

Shaming men for asking the question is itself answering the question.

If you want to have lots of sex and settle down with a highly desirable man who will marry you, the answer is shockingly simple: Just get married young and have all the sex with your husband you want.

ALL Men find women under 25 the most attractive. You'll get a higher quality man the younger you are and the lower your body count. Period, end of story.

@Tfmonkey @kaia
there are no high-quality men under 30, and none of them would date someone younger than 26. no point settling for man-children fixated on appearances

@Moon @kaia @ageha At the end of the day, you have to be good enough for the people whom you want to attract.

If you're already in your 30s and have had a mile of dick run through your pussy, you're simply not going to attract a top tier man. You can lower your standards or you can blame the Patriarchy until your cats eat your face when you die alone.

@Tfmonkey @kaia @ageha older women are better in bed also you can talk to them like an adult

@Moon @kaia @ageha those are lies that women tell themselves (and each other).

These are the same people who tell women men don't like feminine women and like boss bitches with good careers. Lies ALL LIES!

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