I failed to realise Instagram also recommends the posts you commented on to your followers, apart from likes. Now my college friends know my views on religion. One of them is a Muslim, and everybody knows how cruel they are when it comes to their faith. I don't remember saying anything particular against Islam tho. Fuck

@envelopeme have separate browsers and keep your personal account and your shitposting account separate. The reason for using two browsers is so you don't accidently log into the wrong one and post something to the wrong account.

Keep your personal account professional and vanilla and do all your edgy shit on your anonymous account.

@Tfmonkey @envelopeme >The reason for using two browsers is so you don’t accidently log into the wrong one and post something to the wrong account. Depends heavily on the browser and how much you trust the company. Some browsers track cookies and more and more are scanning directories they have access to. Definitely something to keep in mind.

@anonymous @Tfmonkey I use Firefox mobile. Sometimes Brave. Both are open source

@envelopeme @Tfmonkey Brave is only partially open source. I haven’t looked into it much because I use FF but at the very least their ads-based token-delivery system is closed source.

As for FF it’s downstream from chromium which is downstream from Google. So unless you’re auditing the code yourself I’d be very careful how much trust you put into the “open source” label.

@Tfmonkey That's the right solution. I'm on mobile so I can use the native app and the browser
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