Obama's brought out to try and get the STENCH off the Democratic Party
1 Dump Netanyahu.
2 Force a 2 state solution,
3 Client states, Jordan, Saudi, Egypt, back in line
4 A Deal that makes the Abraham Accords looks like the fraud they are
5 Biden is FDR


‼️ Obama speaks on Gaza:
“What Hamas did was horrific, and there is no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation, and what’s happening to Palestinians, is unbearable”


@Nazareno I believe that Obama is merely controlled opposition as a lot of Leftists are upset with the Democrats for siding with Israel.

Israel will continue to get all the support it wants, even if Biden has to work with neocons and the GOP. This is just a ploy to fool the useful idiots into thinking that they have a choice and to vote for the Democrats in 2024.

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