i used to laugh at people who marry dolls, mannequins etc ...

now i think men who marry biological women are the real nutjobs ...

@9c2e0a870413773cb915b9c9cd2e1cbd17e53ae2b0a86aba5e5bf0fc13c420d2 there is no reason to marry your doll as she's already your property. It's not like your friends and family are going to support you. Wedding ceremonies are for women.

Can we just get rid of marriage ceremonies for women and get purchase agreements instead? Those dresses get more retarded every year.
5 year contracts like NBA players.

it says how many times the "wife" has to suck you off on any given year and what "presents" you have to buy her.

at the end of 5 years you can re-negotiate an extension or part ways.
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