
@moomin you could simplify 4/5 of these as "Self Interest".

We compete or cooperate based on whichever benefits us according to our perceived self interest (i.e. without a common enemy or goal, we tend to compete for status).

We submit or rebel based on our own strength/weakness and need for others, and the perceived cost versus benefit of conformity.

These are all simply our self interest.

@Tfmonkey fair. what use do we have for simplicity? is complexity such a big problem? complexity is where creativity and possibility is found. i believe we should actively seek complexity as the true salve and abandon the idea of simplicity as a goal. simplicity is an entropic action - ad reductio, ad inductio. complexity is ektropic. ad complexio. possibility is infinite.
@moomin @Tfmonkey Complexity of thought is a trait of White people. This is also why "grug brain" and "return to monke" should be rejected as both lead to impulsive niggerbrain patterns.
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