MGTOW solve their problems by virtually ending marriage, which is exactly what the Karen Council wants: every child born vulnerable into an unstable home.

The true redpill will show you that what we need to end is no-fault divorce and its offspring, alimony.

@shatterrealm do you support women losing their voting rights, being kicked out of the workforce, and having their education ended after Middle School so they can focus on getting married and making babies instead of girl bossing?

Women were always allowed to continue their education if their parents could afford a tutor.

It's interesting that you think all these things hinge on no-fault divorce. If you're asking "would you rather have the right to vote or have your children's chances of being molested plummet down to practically nothing," the second one. We don't HAVE to choose. But if we did I'd choose the second one.
Can men afford for women to be booted from the workforce at this point, if they want to be able to afford to raise families?
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