"oh kid don't you fuck up and get married, you'll....you'll fuckn lose EVERYtHING"

"ah, it's okay, I don't really have anything to lose"

"no no no you don't GEDDIT kid she'll take the HOUSE, the CARS, your 401K, you won't even get to keep the TV unless you buy it from her"

"we don't really have any of that though. Her taking a car off my hands would be doing me a favor, even."

"no but - HAAAAHHHHH why don't you get it. Are you dumb? Or something? That bitch will ruin you"

"guy? This economy ruined me already, there's nothing she can do to me that would be any worse than what the country's done already"

Some of these divorced guys are terminally buck broken, man. It's bleak. Like they fell off the horse and they just sit there in the mud and horseshit thinking "well....this is all I am now. I'm just....a smelly old shit-man living on the ground, rolling in mud"

I like the ones who're like "yeah fuck becky, life's way better without that dead ass weight, anyways, I know how to LIVE like a bachelor!" Not these weird sad-sack guys


@WashedOutGundamPilot It's because they lost their identity. They built their lives around being a husband and father, and they had those stolen from them. Also, since he'll be broke paying alimony and child support, he is unlikely to get a second chance.

Many guys don't know what to do with themselves after that. They were told being a husband/father was the end all be all of life, and it's gone now.

Many would commit suicide but they want to "be there" for the kids that were stolen from them

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@Tfmonkey This guy doesn't even have kids, seems like he got off easy. It's like he wants to be the prematurely aged-by-20-years 'dead inside' guy. Weird. Maybe he really loved her

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