I'm losing any interest in women, and I think I know what's causing this. I think I'm going to begin the process of becoming feral on Monday and park the bus on that shit for the entire summer & spring for science related reasons.
>try to get 7~8 a night.
>invest in a not shitty bed
>4 hour eating window
>get out of two year plateau.

Please let me get back to losing 10lbs a month that’ll be so fucking funny haha.
The more interesting thing to note is how to circumvent the energy drink question since a majority of them (including the ones I fuck with heavily such as Alani & Ghost) work during a fast. So Liquid Death, Ghost, and Alani have a sweetener that causes a fast to break but shit like Stevia and unironically BANG do not. This basically means that whenever I start working on stuff, I am constantly putting myself into a state of psychosis since BANG itself contains 300 mg's of caffeine on the regular, and I go through about 2 to 3 cans a night getting work done. It's at the point where I manually put myself to sleep with 60mg's of melatonin.

I do get that being in my 30's now is beginning to catch up with me, but if I have to abuse chemicals to get a semblance of productivity in, I fucking will.

@gear I have natural insomnia and utilize that to increase my productivity. I don't drink energy drinks but do drink a lot of green tea which has as much caffeine as a can of soda.

You can also try meditation I lieu of "power naps" when you're feeling burned out or have low energy rather than reach for another energy drink.

I also find that taking "micro breaks" by getting away from your desk to work on errands or hobbies helps avoid crashes and burnout without chemicals.

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