@kshatriyahalhind You may get your wish soon. I dont feel sorry for jordan. i only feel sorry for the Palestinians living there. They have to deal with an anglo king.

@Shlomo @kshatriyahalhind The King of Jordan isn't even Jordanian. He's a Saudi put in power by the British and he's a giant Westaboo.

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@Tfmonkey @Shlomo @kshatriyahalhind 1- There not Saudis, there hashimtes who are direct decadent of the prophet who governed Mecca till they allied with the Brits
2- Jordan is plauged with Palis, since Jordan is the only Arab country that has the most Palis and gave them nationality on top of it
3- Jordan is not westaboo in the slightest, everyone in the Middle East is fed with the Palis and their BS who are doing these riots in Jordan just google Black September
4- you're believing the 100 bilion Qatari media empire narrative about Jordan and the Middle East in general run by the muslim brotherhood who are al qeada light
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