
@SpurgAnon if only there was a way for men to reverse women's rights and restore patriarchy again, but alas it's impossible because we would have to overthrow and reset the government as well, but that's impossible. We will just have to vote harder as illegal aliens replace us and give all our money to Israel.

if only there was a way for men to reverse women's rights and restore patriarchy again, but alas it's impossible because we would have to overthrow and reset the government as well, but that's impossible.

The USG is suffering geopolitical military losses, one after the other. It’s going to get dissolved eventually.

30 years, we will be looking at a new government over this territory, and it will not have the geopolitical clout of the USA
@s2208 @Tfmonkey @Starprophet1 30 years? Brother, it's going to be less than 15 because kikes cant help but septuple down every fucking time.
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