
@PinochetsCommieCopter Women are naturally left-wing. It's their biological imperative to be taken care of, and it matters little if it's by a loving husband or the government. The government demands no accountability.

Women are the backbone of the Left. Blacks are 15%, Jews are 2%, LGBT are 5%. There is no way to cobble together a 51% majority without women. Women are 51% of the population on their own.

Giving women rights doomed the West, and only taking them away will save it, not pandering

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@Tfmonkey @PinochetsCommieCopter All these 'rights' up upheld by
National Statism
Central banking cartel
which is typically funded by Tax cattle and tax cattle using chains/corporations/central banks

Without ethnic straight working class men
putting their time, engery and resources into the state system
it would fall apart

Non whites
cant compete to the same level of compancy , hard work, hard efforts
of the working class ethnic straight men

This is why the state artifcally invences to give all these groups a artificial leg over to achieve 'equality' because without the artificial help
the hardest working, best skilled , most efforts come from
Working Class Straight men of these nations (Japan/Korea/White Nations)

Now this is why Multi racialism falls apart
White straight men will out perform, out skill and out strive
Indians, Blacks, low iq groups (non whites) and women

One of the goals of National Federal Statism was
the REMOVAL of Ethnic Local Self Goveren Patrory

As long as the National state remains
don't have the Authority or agency to
or self direct their own future/goals/community/family

National statism was created after the last realm reset to control all goyim on this realm
and it worked

No race of people native to this realm will be free of the alien Jewish parasite until we ditch
- Universalism
- Equality
- Statism
- Taxation + Welfare + Wealth redistrubution
and put the agency and authority back to ethnic straight males
(Brothers, Fathers, Grand Fathers, working class men)

@charliebrownau @PinochetsCommieCopter Let's just agree to take women's rights away after the glorious race war you're surely preparing for.

@Tfmonkey @PinochetsCommieCopter Gay Rights
Womens rights
LGBT rights
Workers rights
are only 'upheld' via the National Federal State

No Federal State
no 'rights'
No 'taxation'
No pussy pass
No diversity pass

No more

The entire system falls apart

Even the ((( UN ))) has admitted in its own documents
when you 'educate' women longer
it extends the time frame women are willing to have babies
and results in birth rate decline


I am preparing for NWO 2030

NWO 2030 is signed off by 182 nations
Its going to come for us all
No place to run
Ditching a white nation for a cheap low iq asian 'nation' isnt the solution


We need to find racial solardy and racial community
based on commonality and community
before shit goes sideways

Men will have to have the balls to use PEW PEW and freedom seeds to protect themself, their home, their local community and their family/friends/etc

If your not willing to do that , bend over and get shipped to the pod home and eat bugs

Statless Freedom or statism Slavery
@Tfmonkey @PinochetsCommieCopter If loads of men were to prepare and de couple from the state grid

with our own

Why should we ever go back to national federal goverence
once we expel the parasites from our nations

Something that most statists refuse to consider or refect on

I expect the amish to be wiped out
if they continue down the 'peacefull' path refuses to use self defense tools and walls/moats/barb wire
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