I kept getting spammed by these "tear jerker" women focused ads on YouTube trying to scare viewers into voting for leftist causes and of course the culprits, named Science Moms, who claim to be "concerned scientist mothers" are just a front for a bunch of shitlib dark money orgs that also fund things like abortion and other leftist policies.

>jews push climate bullshit
>blame wahmen

stick to reviewing sex toys, faggot

@BloodLibel Jews are 2% of the population, women are 51% of the population. The entire Left would be destroyed if women couldn't vote.

Calling people names because reality upsets them is what women do.

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@Tfmonkey @BloodLibel Its all coming ahead
the planned restructure of our realm under International Alien Parasite Control

1750 to 2050
National Federal Statism
Central Banking Cartel
Metered scarcey fuel
Fake axioms
International forced Egalitarianism
World brainwashing
Sheeple zombiefication

Removing the Authority from Men, family and communities
at the local and district level
was key to make the sheeple complaint
to the 'authorizes'

Real Freedom hasn't been attempted yet

Its good TFM finally accepts
Racial Genetic Traits
and the JQ

Even thou he was denying it for 5-10 years

Better late then never


Check out this video TFM

How Governments Could Save the World (If They Cared)-

* Every person gets a block of land
* Every block of land produces its own meat/food
* Every person/family has the right to self defense
and self defense tools
* No Tax , No Income Tax , No GST/VAT , No Usury

No more homeless
No more Hunger

#Statism #Taxation #Zones #Permission #License
#Approval #Government #Force
@CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey @BloodLibel From what Ive noticed and seen patterns with

Male Nature exist
Female nature exist

I tend not to want to use "HUMAN"
because I dont consider Abos, Africans or Jews
as Human or Native to our realm
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