@Tfmonkey He realizes that the daughter that he raised for all these years was nothing but an illusion created in his mind by the witch.
The reason why everyone was able to see her and interact with her was because there was a psychic beast travelling with the party all the time. When the psychic monster is killed, the daughter disappears from the world and now only exist inside of the old man’s head.
This is how the story ends.


@Lorgar that's close, but in my story there is no magic. He was just a crazy survivalist with schizophrenia living with a sex doll that he imagined was his girlfriend that he carried around as his only friend.

Even after the girl is shot and "comes back to life" you think that maybe the girl is real but she's dead and he is carrying around her body refusing to accept her death.

Only after they both die of a nameless disease does the movie reveal she was a sex doll and he was alone all along.

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