@Tfmonkey I think this guys sums up the high IQ women really well. They’re simply not curious enough about the world due to their agreeable nature. As a result they’re actually less knowledgeable about shit compared to their male counterparts. Complete waste of time to higher a women for anything all else being equal.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey If they don't have to know it for "the test" then it isn't knowledge worth acquiring.
@EvilSandmich @Pain66 @Tfmonkey They are annoying to teach because they only care about tests but they are great for handling mundane, boxchecking tasks.

@alchemy @Pain66 @EvilSandmich this is why AI will replace most female jobs. Women are basically glorified sex objects with a rudimentary intelligence meant only to facilitate reproduction and little else.

Men do all the things. Women exist to create more men.

@Tfmonkey @Pain66 @EvilSandmich I don't who will create more amazing fuck ups women or AI. What an exciting future
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