@Tfmonkey in the last TMC you said that you had to downgrade from walmart bacon to cosco sausage i.e. from goyslop to zogslop, so I am wondering is there something going on in america that's making meat prices unaffordable to someone who isn't living in poverty? How much does a ribeye steak cost there for instance? Because I work an entry-level job and I can afford to eat real meat pretty much every day and good beef or lamb twice a week.

@pk33 they're making beef more expensive to fight climate change, and they're culling chickens due to bird flu, which is causing chicken prices to rise.

Hotdogs are now cheaper than bacon, and even eggs are getting expensive because of the bird flu culling.

They're training us to eat ze bugz.

@Tfmonkey You're preaching to the choir man. I'm just wondering how you, someone who sounds like they're financially far better off than me, is eating things like that. What about from your local butcher? Minced beef? Real sausages? Low grade cuts for slow cooking? Is that expensive too? Because here it's not. Yet?

@pk33 I don't live in the city where I have access to local butchers and stuff like. I can shop at Costco and Sam's Club.

My groceries for the week cost about $200.

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@Tfmonkey Shit man I get by with €40 a week on groceries, again, so far. Good luck.
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