@Wanderen They are doing the same thing everywhere.

First place has become the virtue signal booby prize. 2nd place is the new first place.

The girl on the left (2nd place) will have a modelling career. The winner of the pageant will be forgotten once everyone has clapped for her and patted themselves on the back for giving the ugly girl a plastic crown.

@Tfmonkey 👍
A disgusting distraction, at best.

They're doing the same thing with jobs, which is substantial.
A WM, a WM Vet with a Mater's degree is eligible to sweep floors,

a girl fresh out of college gets management day one.

@Wanderen get your driver's license changed to say you're a woman, and identify as a "masculine presenting transgender lesbian".

You'll get hired instantly, and don't even have to cut your dick off or wear a bow in your hair like Ms. Pacman. If anyone says you're not a "real woman", ask them to define a "real woman", and watch them sheepishly fuck off.

There is literally no downside to this, and it's just a letter on your driver's license.

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@Tfmonkey 💯 x 💯

I tell kids applying for college, 'You're Native, Tranny, Jewish, Black, Gay, a midget, and an endangered snail darter spotted owl.'

But we don't do things like that, and they'd just ...

not hire you anyways.
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