
@Nazareno if you're not a communist, you're a not-c.

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Even as late as 2019, conservative evangelical McPastors were defending child genital mutilation, because criticizing US family courts was "disrespectful to women."

The funny thing is that many women are sick and tired of men being pussies and they want men to step the hell up. So, step the hell up.
Example from about 20 years ago: we had friends that had been married about 3 years. The guy was a man's man (still is); ran a granite company (mostly cutting countertops but did other stuff too); real man's work. Not long after their first anniversary, His Wife started complaining on a car ride home about how she wanted more money to buy more stuff. She was whining and griping; when they pulled into the main gate of their apartment complex, he stopped the car, turned to her, and said "Get the hell out of the car. While you're walking to our home, you can ask yourself if me working 12-hour days, 6 days a week, killing myself for you and I, is not enough. If it's not, let me know, and I'll leave. Because I'm not in this for you to be a self-centered, materialistic bitch. I'm in this to make a God-fearing, God-loving, Christian family in which I provide and you make our home great. So decide if I'm enough, or not. Now get out." She did. And she later thanked him for everything he did and for putting her in her place. (The story was told to me and my bride by her, which makes it even more epic, IMO.)
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