@newman If a genie gave me one wish it would be to go back in time and be a nazi bomber in ww2 and bomb baby john lennon also can you believe a jew made this meme as a supposed own on us ?

@Floydian_Psychology @newman It acknowledges that wherever Jews go, they refuse to co-exist and assimilate peacefully. To them being in Europe as a foreign occupier and implementing the genocide of the native nationality is just assumed.

If you tell them not to occupy, oppress, and depopulate Palestine after telling them not to do the same to Ireland, you're being a hypocrite because it's simply understood that Jews will occupy, oppress, and depopulate the native population wherever they go.

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@Tfmonkey @newman i think we're also better adept in the current state of things to fight jewish power compared to many other europeans outside of eastern europe because we have less white guilt than other western europeans , eastern europeans tend to have the least.
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