
Can't access the article posting on element so I'm posting one here. This is my first article posting since I think it's important and hasn't been covered.

This 'apeel' is a coating meant to prolong shelf life of fruits and vegetables. There is no labelling laws on this in Australia. Owner is James Roger and Bill Gates from the WEF.

article here: thenutrition.academy/apeel/

5 minute youtube of components here: youtube.com/watch?v=6X0LKxCz1a

@Tfmonkey Components include arsenic and lead and mercury. You cannot rub 'apeel' off.

@Tfmonkey Gday TFM
Do you still have your Responsibilities without authority video shared around on some site still

I managed to find RGE's , but yours was better

@charliebrownau everything should be up on bitchute or mgtow.tv I can reupload it if the Bitchute link doesn't work

@Tfmonkey Thanks

Trying to drum into the sheeple the concept of reposlbities without authority doesn't work

Shitloads of examples when it comes to the work place
yet various search engines come up dry when it comes with men and women and marriage

So far Ive only found these

* RGE Video - Men don't have the Authority,
yet demanded to have the Responsibility
- youchu.be/watch?v=jCKs7QCF-Q8

* Male Authority
- therationalmale.com/2018/11/13/male-authority-be-a-man/


Yet loads for the work place

Workplace Responsibility without authority will drive your employees crazy !

Workplace Responsibility Without Authority: Dysfunctional Delegation

Workplace Responsibility without Authority Feeds the Drama Triangle

Workplace You Have Responsibility, But Do You Have Authority?

Workplace Without authority its difficult to fulfill responsibilities

@charliebrownau If you simply remove the feminism angle, most people will agree that you have to have authority over that which you are responsible.

Why does everyone hate group projects in school? Because the other person can not do their job, and you can't do anything to them to make them work, and it hurts your grade.

I'm sure you can think of a few thought experiments yourself. Everyone agrees it's bullshit until you reveal that you were talking about women's rights, and then you're a nazi

@Tfmonkey Yet Ive Spoken to Ethnic Nationalists ("nazis")
even they by large outright refuse to remove womens rights
women working
the National Federal Centralised State system

You cant have men with authority
while the National state System (Statism) exists

Either its
Local De centralised ethnic patoracy
National Mulit racial Liberal demoracy (Jewish dictorship over your homeland)
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