Here is how to convert from D&D to HeroQuest for quick snappy combat.

Movement is set to 10, which is standard for fodder enemies, and with a DEX of 15 is appropriate.

Attack is STR modifier, minimum 1. Since they get a -2 mod, their attack is 1, which is appropriate.

Defend is DEX mod or Armor (as appropriate. DEX mod is +2 so their defend dice pool is 2.

BP is CON mod, minimum 1, so 1.

MP is INT or WIS mod (whichever is higher) minimum 1.

Converted abilities below the stats.



Here is the website I use to make custom cards. The Goblin icon indicates that this is a minor enemy which isn't Undead, and can be used as a replacement for a Goblin in any standard dungeon.

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