Lunch w/ boomer "conservative" (his words not mine) is real fun, I got to hear gems like

"y'know, our side cares more about black lives than they do! And then they got real angry because we have the balls to say ALL lives matter!!!"

"yeah I'm just a little disappointed we don't have any ladies of our own in the running, the other side gets to say they have the first woman president"

"I don't know about that chevron thing, it's pretty dangerous just getting rid of laws left and right willy nilly"

When I point out that these guys are "just 2012 democrats in every way that counts" they get all pissy until we get through their belief system: Pro-gay marriage (as long as it's just them living who'm I to judge?), pro-regulation, pro-tax, pro-social security, pro-black, pro-gun control, it all shows how effective the media has been on them.

They think they're right wing when they live and breathe the same ideology that first term obama did


@WashedOutGundamPilot That's the power of the Overton Window. As it moves Left, the Right becomes more Left, which gives the Left room to be even MORE Left.

If the Republicans win, they'll legalize all the Hispanic immigrants to "own the libs" because they're Catholic, and somehow they'll vote Republican if the threat of deportation is taken off the table.

Everyone will clap as they set their country on fire.

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@Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot There has to be a point where the window can't move any further
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