from #CBSNews [USA]
#Children of #Gaza
from #SundayMorning TV program
July 21, 2024

[a very disturbing but useful article, with many links to other sources. This should be boostedl/liked as much as possible. No one can say that CBS News is a #Hamas propaganda outlet.]

""You're saying that children in Gaza are being shot by snipers?" asked Smith.

"Definitively," said Dr. Perlmutter. "I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn't put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the 'world's best sniper.' And they're dead-center shots."

"One American doctor told us he even reviewed CT scans to confirm what he saw because he "didn't believe that this many children could be admitted to a single hospital with gunshot wounds to the head." Some shootings have been captured on video."

#CeasefireNow #EndUSAidToIsrael #DivestFromIsrael
#EndTheOccupation #PalestinianLivesMatter #StopArmingIsrael
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#SolidarityWithPalestine is #NotAntisemitism
#EqualRightsForAllFromTheRiverToTheSea is #NotAntisemitic
#IsraelWarCrimes #ArrestNetanyahuAndGallant
#Israel #Palestine #politics
#media #news #press
@[email protected]

@peter_link @[email protected] @Hash

So s you see, there's a very good chance that if children were shot like this, it's because they were child soldiers & they were armed & attacking Israel. Hitler sent children as young as 12 to fight the Allies, even when it was clear the war was lost. However, none of those children would have died if Hitler had given up when it was clear the war was lost, & these children would also be alive if Hamas leaders simply surrendered, instead of hiding in Iran.


You're being ridiculous. Your examples have nothing to do with Gaza. But this quote below does, from an interview with some of the same doctors mentioned in the CBS News article above.

""You try to save the ones you can save," said a Jewish American orthopedic surgeon who described two six-year-olds who ultimately died from two "perfect" gunshot wounds to head and chest. Specifically targeted?, he was asked. "Definitively," he said. "No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the 'world's best snipers.""

Six-year-olds!! Not ready for combat, but targeted anyway by Israeli soldiers doing it for revenge and hatred for all Palestinians.

@Hash @palestine @israel

@peter_link @Hash @palestine @israel

If Hamas simply sought peace, no children would die on either side, but Jihadist doctrine doesn't allow for lasting peace with Infidels, especially Jews.

The PA sought peace for 30 years, yet Palestinian children has been and still being killed in Westbank by Israeli army and Israeli settlers. Many of them are in jail even though they're under age.
Can you explain this phenomenon that isn't related to the "jihadist"?
Now when you say jihad you mean resistance. Right?
Since these people are trying to get thier land back from the terrorists who occupied it and still to this day taking large amount of the land and its natural resources. Right?
It's like you're blaming Ukraine for fighting against Russia for taking large piece of Ukraine and for stealing its children it's natural resources.
I just want us to be clear here.

Hebrew is one of the world's ancient languages, recorded for 3000+ years and counting.
How far back would you like to discuss?
History does not care about our bias.

@israel @palestine @ThinkIsrael @Hash

I'm not sure how you can be in a place for +3000 years, yet you had to migrate to this place 80 years ago then had to kill native people to replace them. It's also weird that you has to reinvent the language and modernize it in order to bring it back to life only to claim it's been there for +3000.

But then, history didn't start 3000 years ago. Hebrew people migrated here from Egypt. Let's go back that far and let them go back to Egypt. Why should we go back only to 1948 to when the British gave a land they don't own to people the really would like to get rid of them? Let's go back +5000 year. There was no trace to any Hebrew person. Let's go back +10000 years.
@ahmad @RememberUsAlways @israel @palestine @ThinkIsrael @Hash The most tiresome bullshit of Israeli propaganda is "their right to exist".

They sound no better than a middle aged troon that gets butthurt over the average pleb refusing to care about nigger troon suicides.

@leespringfield1903 whenever someone pulls the "does Israel have a right to exist" trick to try to paint deflect attention from Israel's war crimes and ethnic cleansing and make the issue your "anti-Semitism", just say these 7 words:

Did Rhodesia have a right to exist?

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