Saturday my brother sister and I discussed what we're gonna do when our parents will be gone, and in the case of our father he want to be incinerated and be dispersed at sea.
As always people said that you can't keep the ashes at your home anymore in france (which is true) but they also state that you have to rent a space in the cemetery which I found weird, but possible considering how some things are fucked up due to greed.

So as always I checked if what they said was true on legifrance, and turns out you can do whatever you want to do with the ashes except keeping them at home, the historic reason behind this is because some moron in Paris threw ashes in a bin.

@[email protected] do a thing now where they take the body and combine it was compost and a baby tree, and you can plant the tree which will be fed by the nutrients of the compost, and instead of a tombstone, you have a tree to continue the cycle of life.

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