is it a bad sign if you sign up for a TTRPG and after over a month we've only done a session 0? .... that I'm pretty sure one of our members didn't actually make it to.

This was supposed to be a weekly game.

Week 1: Not enough players
Week 2: DM couldn't make it
Week 3: Session Zero
Week 4: DM couldn't make it
Week 5: One player couldn't make it which is enough to stall the session again

@Rasp I have faced similar issues. It's part of trying to game with adults with families and responsibilities. Here is my solution.

Replace TTRPG night with "Game Night" and have a bunch of games you can play with as few as 2 players, so even if only one other person shows up, you can play some games together and have fun.

Try Warhammer or One Page Rules, or consider board games like HeroQuest or Risk.

@Tfmonkey @Rasp Agree with that for sure! The train has to show up on-time and on-schedule so everyone has a chance to get on board and make it a habit. A good backup plan (Munchkin, Catan, a couple of MTG decks?) can go a long way.

AND maybe weekly is too optimistic? Biweekly is probably more reasonable, IME.

@mechawatts @Tfmonkey

This is an online pay-to-play game the GM doesn't get paid if the game doesn't run.

@Rasp @mechawatts the whole point of TTRPGs is to get together with your friends. Adults don't just "hang out". There needs to be something planned, hence the need for TTRPGs.

Playing online with strangers . . . you might as well just play a videogame.

@Tfmonkey @mechawatts

I don't have any friends. I've never had anyone in my life who regularly wants to spend time with me.


@Rasp @mechawatts When it comes to relationships, you get what you give. If you look for someone to satisfy your needs, people will sense how needy and selfish you are.

However, if you put other people first and show genuine love and concern for their well being, then they'll enjoy having you around (who wouldn't?)

So instead of looking for love and friendship to give you something. Try giving love and friendship to others.

No homo.

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