It really annoys me every single time a cuckservatives dance around the issue of female empowerment and plumting brith rates, the evidence is overwhelming yet they pretend to be retards starting mental gymnastics to blame anything but not women.

Have people who think that low fertility is caused by industrialization ever looked up graph of world population pre feminism?
Of course such descriptions are miasma of this era, its no different to saying socio-economic factors when asking reasons for why crimes are being committed by niggers.

Industrialization thesis is never treated as something you can make predictions with. "Industry is cause of low fertility which is why America and ex-Soviet states which have deindustrialized all experienced surge in fertility". So many words to avoid real causes cuz it means to be mean to women.

I speak as Saudi that it's easier to sell the idea of outlawing Islam in Saudi Arabia then convince these cuckservatives to take women rights away.
@Tfmonkey Here is another evidence to deboonk his retardation.
Spain right after Franco's death their birth rate shit the bed after Spain GAEfied and empowered their women, Japan as well after the war when feminism is forced upon them after losing the war.

@Avdol10 Also some countries didn't give their women rights at the same time, with some not giving women rights until the 70s well after industrialization and the invention of the birth control pill.

They'll willfully ignorant because they know that calling the problem by its name will get them labelled sexists and they won't get their pee pee touched.

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