@Justicar - I'm no economist... 🤔 And I'm trying to figure out if 100% tariffs would act to alleviate, or exacerbate the effects of hyperinflation. 🤔❓🤷🏻‍♂️

I gotta look for my @Tfmonkey signal... I know I left it around here somewhere...🔦

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey usa has trading deficit. by adding tariffs it will make imports more expensive. so people will buy less from other countries and will be buy more locally because it should be cheaper without tariffs even with higher manufacturing cost. but in the end the consumer pays more and it will cause consumers to change their spending habits. since things are expensive and people have lowered spending capacity, paying more will devastate the economy and cause companies to close and layo


@Justicar @YoMomz tariffs are a tax, which only makes prices higher. The intent is to make domestic good more attractive by making foreign goods more expensive, but the money just goes in the government's pockets, so it's just another sales tax.

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