Still waiting for someone to explain what "no political solution" really means. Then, reconcile that answer with the inaction by the pro-White movements. Show me that not doing anything but chanting vague threats is not an empty bag.

The only thing active is the very few who try to educate. This is much appreciated.

@Shini_Koroshi everyone is waiting for someone not them to risk their lives and freedom because they have too much to lose.

Some people reach "fuck it" sooner than others. Some dig their own grave and lay down peacefully in the hole waiting to be shot and never resist.

The problem isn't that people are ignorant or stupid. The problem is that people are weak.

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@Tfmonkey Weakness or powerless?

This is something lacking in most people, finding and listening to their heart. This is the gap to bridge in each of us to access the White Power resting within. Wake this and begin clear contemplation, the many solutions will become apparent.

Our greatest strength is our magnanimous hearts and indomitable intellects.
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