According to NEXTA, British PM Starmer has declared that Kyiv will not yet be allowed to use Western missiles to strike deep inside Russia. He announces that NATO is not seeking any conflict with Russia

How long do you think that resolution will last ?

@Wopu they're going to do it. They just need to figure out a way to do so with plausible deniability.

I'm guessing a "rogue general" will launch missiles into Russia and the West will wag their finger at him.

@Tfmonkey @Wopu Maybe we need a world war
All White nations have been forced to be multi racial

A war with anyone that isnt White will cause miss trust

No matter if its

War will bring out actual us vs them nationalistic sprite with people

Also war will finally demand for the state draft
and you will see women get pregnant and
shack up with men in droves
to avoid getting shot for the state

If only they forced
Women over 30
to fight wars for "USA" (Jews/NWO)

Then we could cull the weak/useless/waste of oxygen

In war we might no longer be considered

Heck the massive amount of imported goyslop might end or be in short supply also

@charliebrownau @Wopu whites have had it too good for too long. They aren't going to choose the path of pain and suffering willingly. It will have to be imposed on them through the economic consequences of their shitty birthrates and bankrupt welfare system.

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@Tfmonkey @Wopu Gday


National Statism, Corporations and International "Trade"
has Goyim native to this realm , especially White
weak , complaint and complacent

It seems both ((( Christianity))) and National corporate governance
was designed as a controlled method to chain tax cattle down
and prevent them from overthrowing the slave masters

Ive been speaking at various community groups with boomers
and kids of boomers

I see the same copes so much
Selective red pilling
Selective knowledge seeking
Refusal to go all the way

No matter if its
Race Realism Pill
Sex Realism Pill
Statist is Slavery Pill
Jewish Power Pill
FE + Tartarian Pill
Self Defense and Self Ownership Pill

Theirs always an self artifcal barrier for the majority of the 'people'

What I see for 2030-2035-20555 is
Formation of

Cities in smat zones

Suburbs/regional areas dead/killed/destroyed

and remote outback and remote locations to survive

Tax cattle will be forced to ADAPT to survive

Men will have a choice when shit gets real bad
Be in charge and put women in the kitchen
or be a part of a system that aids ethnic genocide

In the long run Survival must be a first
before we can re build and exile the Jews to a different Realm
or at least imprison them and the traitors for 1000 years
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