I want to end it right now. My relationship of 10 years is in ruins, I put trust into her and today it was broken. I don't know who I am right now and not sure I want to find out anymore. Worst thanksgiving so far.


@Solbera At least you didn't get married or have a kid together. Being cheated on sucks, but imagine how much worse it would be if you were married and were not only dealing with being cheated on, but losing half your shit and having to pay child support for the next couple decades.

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@Tfmonkey I did that once already, I know what it feels like. that was my first marriage. This woman is round 2. I have a 14 year old I havent seen since her first birthday. She claims to not have cheated on me only sent pics. I have been with her for 10 years, She was 300 when we got together, I like em chubby. she got into a carr accudent and balloned up to 825lbs, almost died. I stood by her. She dropped to 245 after surgery lots of extra skin even after a surgey that removed 25 lbs of skin. @elftummy I lived the dream, I flew to close to he sun and now my life is fucked. Im drinking myself to sleep.

@Solbera @Tfmonkey sorry to hear about your story. Truly the lesson here is that overall women suck no matter their size.
The mistakes of others should not be yours to bear.
Taking it out on yourself will fix nothing
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