Eastern Europeans who hate Russia and Sunni Muslims who hate Iran and fight fore and cheer on the Jewish run Western Empire are like the black tribes of Africa that sold other blacks into slavery for gunpowder only to be enslaved themselves at a later date.

I get that weak men create hard times and all, but do you realize you're cheering for your own enslavement?

@Tfmonkey not sure about the middle-east, not my forte, but you need to understand that soviet communists destroyed the entire central and eastern europe. so people still hold a grudge. it has been only 30 years, so most people alive today have it fresh in their memory. yes, russia today is completely different animal altogether, but it is still russia and that is hard pill to swallow and get over. although believe it or not, a lot of people reminiscent about the times under the communists.

@Tfmonkey some could and would actually argue things were objectively better under the communists. and indeed they were. but overall it were shit times.


@Justicar but wasn't communism Jewish? Modern Russia isn't Jewish but the Western Empire is, so cheering for the modern Jewish Empire to win because the old Jewish Empire fucked you over doesn't make sense to me.

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