i wonder how long it'll be before chatbot AIs get the upgrade to be more sexy.
and by that i mean i wonder how long it will be before chatbot AIs get the upgrade to hold better conversations. be better at debating unique subjects, and actually adding their two cents.

@Nepiant It's a limitation of memory. AIs are algorithms of training data. Memories are what give us unique personalities and identities.

@Tfmonkey i present an idea about how feudal lords of way back when thought that having the most jewels and precious metals was enough to live an affluent lifestyle and the AIs long-winded response basically amounts to "wow, haha, yeah, i guess you're right!"

it doesn't have the ability to understand complex and novel subjects. it can talk about subjects like black holes only because it's trained on plenty of discussions about black holes, among millions of other things. it can tell you all the interesting arguments merely by repeating it from memory.

@Nepiant yes, the AI can't "think", it can only reference it's training. If you ask it about something you could otherwise Google, then it will know the answer because it's been trained on data from Google (among others), but if you want to discuss something new for which there is no answer to Google (and thus no training based on data from Google), the AI will not be able to form an opinion.

open ai's 'o1' and 'o3' models are capable of SOME reasoning thanks to their ability to take all the copied ideas and piece them together in reasonable ways according to the instruction of other copied ideas. but that's not going to enable suave conversations about novel subjects any time soon. it's still very slow.
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