Would it be wrong to assume that food aid to developing(brown) countries is a major reason why these poor as fuck places are booming in population?

In 1984 there were only 434 million sub saharan africans in the world, now there are over a billion. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/122669.

There is no reason for that population boom to occur other than it being driven by western aid, mainly food+medical aid.

Free KFC drives nigga fertility?

>white Nationalists claim creating all white societies in the west is impossible because the J wouldn't allow it

>Amish communities are 100% white and Christian. Their leaders run these societies similar to a monarchy, with religious heads wielding near dictatorial power

> 7+ kids per woman. Women's rights are non existant in these places.

The fact that white nationalists don't attempt to copy this model shows most/all WN are larpers.

20yo women > any other age

1. Women have an extremely short prime fertility window, usually starting when they finish puberty(physical maturity) and ending when they turn 30

2. After 30, the egg count and QUALITY of those eggs drop significantly, increasing the chances of having retard children

3. Freezing eggs is not a good solution. It's expensive, harmful, and very few of those eggs will end up being viable in pregnancy

4. Even with viable eggs, giving birth in an old womb is a toss up

Anyone who tells you that fatties were seen as attractive in past history is full of shit.

Slim women with a prominent hourglass shape have always been seen as attractive. Fat people have never been "in"

Yakshini figure, Kushan Empire, around 2nd century AD.

Women subconsciously want their rights taken away. I am absolutely serious.

"when I was younger, my vagina determined who I shared my bed with"

"It has taken me over 10 years to realise there is absolutely no point in torturing yourself for sleeping with the ‘wrong’ person."

Translation: she spent her most fertile years (her 20s) being a whore and wants to settle down now that she has hit the wall and has no eggs left.

But she still accepts no responsibility.

All women are like this.

small anecdote proving women are why the dating marking is awful.

If women were reasonable and honest about what they wanted from men, there should be plenty of female dating coaches around.

wouldn't a woman know what other women want, and the best ways for men to attract female attention? There's a massive untapped market for this!

In reality, female dating coaches are practically non existant because women aren't honest about what they want and will actively lie to you.

By the way I know the villain of the last of us part 2 is female. But the joke is that she doesn't look female

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Western media is retarded.

It all just sucks. Shows/movies/games, everything coming out of western corporations these days is terrible. It's all woke jewslop. It's JEWOKE.

Indie games are ok.

there is this theory called "hybrid vigor"

It states that different races have strengths. If you mix these races together, the offspring will have the strengths of both races.

if blacks are good at running, and the Chinese are good at math, maybe you create offspring that's good at both.

But, this is rare. You will likley just create a kid that can't run or do math.

Race mixing usually creates weaker offspring.

A positive example might be different ethnicities of the same race that mix.

The trend of women talking about "icks" has taken off across social media.

Women criticize everything. How a guy closes the curtains for instance. Everything is an "ick"

Are women REALLY this nitpicky about everything?


Women are wired this way by nature. They are constantly looking for a reason to leave their man and get a "better" deal elsewhere.

They can't help it, it's just how they are.

Under patriarchy, men dealt with this by telling women to shut up and get back in the kitchen.

Women lie about everything part 4

Women often say that men can't handle
"strong independent females"

It's actually the other way around. WOMEN can't handle soft, gentle, submissive, emotional men.

Women want a man that makes more money than her, and is stronger than her.

This is all subconscious by the way. Women don't even understand this about themselves. Which is why they will deny it.

Women are disgusted by men that are weaker and poorer. They are wired this way by nature.

Islam is, unironically, right about women.

So is Christianity, but Islam hasn't been pussy whipped.

Pic somewhat related

Women lie about everything part3

Marriages where women earn more money than their husbands have an 80% chance of divorce according to pewresearch.

Women will say BS about how "that's because men can't HANDLE a strong independent woman"

This is easily disproven by pointing out that income level only matters to women. Men don't give a shit about how much money a woman makes or what career she has.

Women who outearn their man go for divorce because they think "I can do better"

Basic hypergamy

Most women have no idea what life is like for an AVERAGE guy.

They see rich dudes and fuckboys living their best life, and they imagine that's what life is like for most men.

A female displaying self awareness like this is refreshing. Even if it is just for social media attention.

Women lie about everything part 2

"I wear makeup for myself"

Women do NOT wear makeup, fake eyelashes, drawn on eyebrows, and get plastic surgery
"for themselves"

Women do it for validation. Which is why they insist men have to pay for expensive dates, because "I put a lot of effort in to look this good"

In my opinion all that fake shit that women wear to hide how they really look isn't attractive anyway.

Almost everything women say they want is a false pretense to hide that they are shallow.

when a woman says she wants an "emotionally available" man, she wants a guy who will sit and listen to her complain about her life. She wants an emotional dumping ground of a man.

under no circumstance does she want to hear about YOUR problems. She wants to bitch to you, not the other way around.

Women are turned off when men displays vulnerability. They do not actually like emotional guys. Shocker.

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