Women don't understand what makes them attractive.
Men are attracted to youth and beauty; women are attracted to status.
Women think because THEY are attracted to status and money, men must be too.
So these women waste their youthful & fertile years chasing useless degrees and climbing the corporate ladder.
When they are middle aged, they think they are 10/10s because they have money and credentials now.
These woman than get butthurt when successful men are chasing 20yo cashiers.
If you're male, do you remember what it was like being a young teenage boy?
When I was a young teenager, my emotions were turned up to 11. I would cry like a bitch and get angry over small petty things.
Now consider this. Women are basically like this, for their ENTIRE lives.
Women do not develop mentally past the age of 16
And that's a GOOD thing by the way. Because a woman who has the same level of maturity as a man is likley an autistic lesbian. And we don't need any more of those
All cultures throughout history restricting women's ability to have jobs and money
career women spend their entire fertile 20s working clerical jobs that don't need to exist, and taking college courses that are largely worthless. Than they become 40 year olds with no eggs and but with SKY high expectations because they think their degree makes them a catch
Also, women predominantly get degrees related to nursing, public education, or the arts.
Basically diploma mill garbage.
Almost every problem that the west is facing is a consequence of women rights.
■birthrates are fucked because women want to chase a career in jobs that don't actually need to exist.
■most young males are single because women only want rich men
■women vote for open boarders and mass immigration, also the falling birthrates make importing workers a lucrative business.
■40% of children in the U.S are born from single mothers
■the bankrupt welfare State exists to benefit women primarily.
It's funny to watch a feminist accidentally let it slip that all women are retarded children.
"In Shanghai, all women are chasing a small amount of rich men". Lol, it's not only Shanghai sweetie.
Every single civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy, because when women are free to choose their own partners, they just chase after the top 20% of rich men.
And those rich men aren't even getting good pussy!, because these women fucked 100+ guys before they even turned 20!