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these are called femboys.

Female versions of this don't exist in reality.

marriage is nearly dead because women are retarded.

The reason why lolbertarians say the government needs to get out of marriage, is because the government gives all the power to the woman.

In the event of a divorce, the woman has a major financial incentive to end a marriage for no reason(this is why all feminists support no fault divorce) because:

1.she will get the house
2. She will get the kids
3. She will get alimony & child support payments
4. She will get at LEAST half your assets

@Tfmonkey if the regime was always going to let trump win, why did they try to kiII him twice?

@d0c40r0 white Nationalists be like "no more brother wars"

Also white Nationalists when you ask them if Eastern/Southern Europeans count as white.

ToyotaTime boosted
It's classless when a company is not loyal & mistreats it's employees.

It's Treason when a government does the same thing to its citizens.

Your under no obligation to support a nation that puts you dead last & illegal immigrants in front of you.

Only secession will make them take us seriously & get back our freedom.
ToyotaTime boosted

@Shlomo the U.S will definitely deploy troops to the Middle East if things escalate further.

Hopefully the young soldiers in the U.S refuse to fight for Israel.

If not, hopefully the boys in Iran will send those Americans back in a box.

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Most women have no idea what life is like for an AVERAGE guy.

They see rich dudes and fuckboys living their best life, and they imagine that's what life is like for most men.

A female displaying self awareness like this is refreshing. Even if it is just for social media attention.

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@WashedOutGundamPilot @VidMasterEon both partys are run by jews bro.

The only countries standing up against Israel are Russia and China+ their allies

@Tfmonkey @leespringfield1903 @Bad_Banner

He doesn't acknowledge any wrongdoing. Thing is he still puts his daughters on a pedestal.

He is near retirement age now so I doubt he'll change.

Ironically, my sisters don't like him. They don't talk to him.

It's almost tragic.

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@Tfmonkey @leespringfield1903 @Bad_Banner

This is only partly correct Tfm.

The truth is, western fathers in general are massive simps.

My father had sons and daughters, but when he saw that his daughters were excelling in public school and his sons were not, he supported his daughters over his sons.

My father gave my sisters anything they wanted. He thought they would become doctors or lawyers and get rich.

He expected his sons to be ditch diggers.

Neither ended up being true.

ToyotaTime boosted
I played one of the wokest games ever. :pepe_fact:


Makes Concord look like Angry Goy II by comparison.

First, the good part: it's a metroidvania and it copies Symphony of the Night. It cannot be overstated. It COPIES SotN to a degree you might not believe until you watch a minute or two of gameplay. The item system, the menu, the skills, the level layout. This is nothing like how A Robot Named Fight or The Mummy Demastered are heavily inspired by Super Metroid. This is like they put a coat of paint over SotN to make a different story.

Therefore, by virtue of shamelessly copying SotN, turns out the gameplay is excellent. The controls are precise and there are a few quality of life improvements over the game they are based off. The one issue I found with the game aspect is that it's rather short. Instead of the second castle, it uses a time travel mechanic to have two versions of the same map, but you traverse it very quickly. I think I finished the game in two days.

Now, it may just be that the game has more content than I found, but I have no desire to find it because... Here comes the bad part: the world and its plot.
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