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How dark was this monster? Jet black like coal? or brownish?

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Yeah trade schools are great, and most importantly, affordable.

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@PurpCat I think it depends on the specific employer, and your location.

I see listing for the trades hiring guys with no experience at all. These listings are usually for minimum wage though

Trades schools are also very good at setting people up with jobs after training.


Sure, perhaps even the Mennonites

I'm not saying however, that I expect all white nationalists to literally join an amish or mennonite community.

I'm saying that white nationalists can copy what works. In this case, self governing and self sustaining communities centered around religion.

Keep in mind, the Amish are not strictly white nationalists. If they were, the gov would shut that shit down.

Their isolated and self governing nature simply keeps browns away by default.


The amish are actually growing in population

Since 2023, the Amish have created 36 new settlements.

@IAMAL_PHARIUS I wouldn't believe it unless I could hear what the joke was exactly.

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Well, how are the jews infiltrating amish communities right now?

I have seen no news that suggests the Amish are dying off in some way

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