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No show this morning. There isn't anything worth talking about except rumors of the Regime expanding the wars into Moldova and Belarus, but no new developments since Monday.

Merry Christmas, and enjoy your morning. :PikaShocked:

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@mrsaturday @p @Kyou @egirlyuumimain @graf @Hoss

Hating the government is really easy once it becomes apparent that the people in power do not represent us, and don't give a shit about the wellbeing of the nation.

Every issue we face is being supported by the government in some way. They are behind nearly everything.

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@egirlyuumimain @p @Kyou @graf @Hoss I can work with "fuck the government" libertarians, they're my kind of people. The "Government doesn't work because it's not Government Inc." types or the ones that are just looking for an ideology that represents their desire to sneer at poors in their freetime should stick to sunglass selfies in their car
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@charlie_root I feel like this, gaming just feels like wasting time.

I think it's because consumption isn't really fulfilling, especially after a certain point in life

When you play a game, your just consuming a product

Same with watching movies and TV shows

if you want to seek a fulfilling passion, ask yourself:

What do you like doing that's not based around consumption?

Learn a language? Exercise your body to its peak? Learn how to draw?

Creating is more fulfilling than consuming

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That makes sense on the surface but:

TFMs argument is that farmers in Sub Saharan Africa can't make money because of food aid.

But white farmers in Africa are incredibly successful. Farmers in zimbabwe, South Africa and Nigeria have been able to farm and make money perfectly fine(outside of anti white land reforms)

If white people can manage to farm in Africa despite the food aid, there's no reason why blacks can't, OTHER than blacks being incapable of it.

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It's not even browns in general, it's pretty much all blacks getting this food aid.

For some reason. Sub saharan africans can't farm for shit. At least Arabs and Indians know how to grow crops.

But here's the other thing, eventually this food aid will end because the U.S doesn't have an infinite amount of money. Especially as the U.S empire declines in power.

If food aid ever gets cut, the sub saharan african population is likley to drop like a rock.

Would it be wrong to assume that food aid to developing(brown) countries is a major reason why these poor as fuck places are booming in population?

In 1984 there were only 434 million sub saharan africans in the world, now there are over a billion.

There is no reason for that population boom to occur other than it being driven by western aid, mainly food+medical aid.

Free KFC drives nigga fertility?

@PNS oh my God, 3 whole hours.

It's hilarious how little the people in power actually understand about the common citizens. They think we're animals that can be easily bribed with free small fries or similar BS.

Someone who didn't take the jab out of principle wouldn't be swayed by getting a small gift.

And those who already trust the government didn't need convincing to get jabbed in the first place.

Vaccine hesitancy my ass.

@PNS I'm surprised the black guys friends didn't come join in

It's a pretty bad idea, as a white man, to 1 on 1 fight a black.

Because the blacks generally travel in groups and they are not above ganging up on whitey.

Luckily these blacks didn't do that. Perhaps they didn't like Tyrone very much.

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