I might be wrong, but it seems like black people, more than any other race, are being pushed into entertainment to replace white characters + historical figures.
The regime isn't pushing Arabs and asians into these rolls at the same level, it's mostly black people being worshipped like this.
Maybe blacks are just the ultimate anti white casting? Casting a philipino to play a disabled English king just wouldn't have the same *punch*?
This "black amish man" is a character for the made up show "amish mafia".
The show is fake, and all the people in that show, including the "black amish man" are not actually amish.
The black amish guy is just a regular black guy playing a character. In typical black fashion, he was booked for slinging/doing drugs.
@Justicar not my point.
I'm just saying that white nationalists specifically, constantly bitch about how its impossible to create white only communities.
Yet when they are shown examples of white communities existing, they just complain how those societies are all stupid for one reason or another.
Keep in mind I'm not talking about myself, as I'm not a white Nationalist. I just think it's funny that WN are allergic to actually doing things in real life.
The level of technology that amish people accept depends on which amish community you are looking at. Many amish are willing to use modern technology, SO LONG as access+usage of this technology is regulated
WN in general also believe technology should be regulated.
the values that make amish successful have little to do with their technological level
The amish have lots of babies because they are patriarchal
The amish retain their independence because they are anti government
>white Nationalists claim creating all white societies in the west is impossible because the J wouldn't allow it
>Amish communities are 100% white and Christian. Their leaders run these societies similar to a monarchy, with religious heads wielding near dictatorial power
> 7+ kids per woman. Women's rights are non existant in these places.
The fact that white nationalists don't attempt to copy this model shows most/all WN are larpers.
If white Nationalists could stop with the infighting, they might actually be useful.
20yo women > any other age
1. Women have an extremely short prime fertility window, usually starting when they finish puberty(physical maturity) and ending when they turn 30
2. After 30, the egg count and QUALITY of those eggs drop significantly, increasing the chances of having retard children
3. Freezing eggs is not a good solution. It's expensive, harmful, and very few of those eggs will end up being viable in pregnancy
4. Even with viable eggs, giving birth in an old womb is a toss up
@flux_the_cat @justnormalkorean
Same for games and movies+TV shows.
The entire entertainment industry is run by the J.
Which is why I don't consume any western made entertainment nowadays.
Even so called "none woke" shit has DEI sprinkled over it.
@thefinn schizo should be replaced with autists
@Shlomo every single AAA game title is full of retarded Diversity, Equity & Inclusion bullshit.
The only good games being made nowadays are independent indie titles and games made in Asia.
Apparently he suffered from a pinched L5 nerve root. Which can lead to erectile disfunction.
There is no proof he had ED though.
However Luigi did say that his physical issues had made intimacy impossible for him.
@shortstories There are some primitive cavemen tribes that created representations of fat women, but nobody is sure why because such cavemen never wrote down their intentions.
As far as civilized societies go, thin has seemingly always been "in"
Like this 610 B.C statue from Thebes in Egypt