I'm still hearing normies being butthurt online about being wrong about the vaccine. Here's what commonly comes up:

* no-one could have possibly known
* it was a coin-flip
* we were lied to
* i was coerced into it
* those who knew didn't publicly speak up
* some other cope

Some people are genuinely trying to understand how they fucked up so badly by learning from those who didn't. I can't properly explain how I saw instantly what others still can't. It's more intuition than reason.


@UncleIroh For me it was reason.

1. CDC plainly stated the coronavirus was 97% - 99% survivable depending on your age. Thus making a vaccine pointless.

2. The huge nose swab "test" was clearly a fuck you, let's see how much these people will take.

3. Politicians had no fear of catching it. Like Pelosi's salon visit.

4. "The virus" did not spread as described.



Agree on all those points. My point was those came AFTER i had decided it was all bullshit, which happened right near the beginning of it all.

@UncleIroh Ok. You may be more tuned to detect bullshit.

I was in a country that "got a case" later than most countries. So I was getting info from media and friends in other countries.

At that point I couldn't detect bullshit yet. But after "cases" were in the country I was in, I soon detected the bullshit.

I was not at your BS detection level. I did not suspect they would create such a fabricated frenzy. It was a spectacle. But they did.

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