I'm still hearing normies being butthurt online about being wrong about the vaccine. Here's what commonly comes up:

* no-one could have possibly known
* it was a coin-flip
* we were lied to
* i was coerced into it
* those who knew didn't publicly speak up
* some other cope

Some people are genuinely trying to understand how they fucked up so badly by learning from those who didn't. I can't properly explain how I saw instantly what others still can't. It's more intuition than reason.



In my case it was very easy.

1. Swedens public authorities tracked deaths per age group. The simplest statistical calculation gave me the result that corona was not something worth bothering with for my age group. Driving a car was more dangerous.

2. The vaccines where new. I call a doctor and ask how long vaccines are usually tested and when, according to the usual rules, the doctor would take a vaccine, and I got the year 2023 to 2024.

Ergo... vanishingly low (...)

@UncleIroh probability of something happening, vaccine cleared by the doctor in 2023 or 2024, equals, no vaccine for me.

I'm not against vaccines in general, only agains forced vaccinations and the corona vaccine, for my age group, in particular.

So in my opinion, anyone rational, who was not swept away by the hysteria and bothered to check the figures himself should have arrived at the same conclusion given my age group and no serious medical conditions.


That's actually a handy shortcut that could potentially be of practical use to lots of people.

It can be gamed however.

Point number 1 assumes you have trustworthy institutions that are not captured by political/financial interests in the way the FDA/CDC have since proved to be.

It assumes easy access to trustworthy, accurate and timely data. Many countries fail these criteria.

Point 2 assumes the same, i.e. that medical professionals have not been compromised.


Well, if every source of data and every medical professional is compromised, the discussion is meaningless because there is nothing you can do.

My data sources are public, they were published here for anyone to see, and they were quoted later in the pandemic as "sweden goes its own way" and similar.

So I do not buy your argument that it was too difficult if you have an education, ability to think for yourself and an internet connection.

When it comes to medical men, I do (...)

@UncleIroh accept your point, because I am lucky to have connections and many people do not.


I did not say "every source of data and every medical professional". That's a straw man.

The cost of the FDA/CDC's deception can be measured in the 100,000's by now, if not millions.

Public trust in these institutions was a normal bell curve and the average normie had no prior reason to presume distrust.

But that kind of fuck-up can only happen once before the trust bell curve is permanently re-written.

The world does not live by Swedish standards of governance.


And I was not talking about _only_ the FDA but trying to convey the message that there are other sources, including the swedish ones, that you can use if you wish.

The virus is global, so no reason to only be content with your local authorities.


It's a very small number of people who even bother to look at their own country's primary data.

The number of people who look at other country's data is a fraction of that tiny number, especially if they live in non-English speaking countries.

Your solution is no solution at all since it only applies to an insignificant number of people.


I disagree and I think you have a very paternalistic and negative view of people.

But we definitely do not need to continue the discussion, so I will just finish this thread by wishing you a pleasant and relaxing evening.



In that case, seek out paternalism and negativity since my facts align with reality.

Blind spots kill people.


I think this is the case for you, and its becoming more and more obvious if you just open your eyes.

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