@beautiful_bastard This generational resentment has to stop.


@mrhorsetwat @beautiful_bastard

Generational resentment?? Oh no no no no .. The hatred Jews have for Slavs, and Russians in particular is deep and centuries old.

They're never going to let go of that blood-feud, even though they did manage to kill millions via Bolshevism.

@UncleIroh @beautiful_bastard Noticed that romanians/moldovans are on their shit lists too, considering that the pogroms from 1903 started in Chisinau and Romania went neck deep with Hitler. Also a jew was responsible for the $1bil, around 20% of our GDP at the time and he fled to Israel. No wonder Moldova is a flaming pile of shit. Victoria Nuland's grandfather survived the pogrom and she hates us for that. Thats why she was in charge of overthrowing governments in Eastern Europe.

@mrhorsetwat @beautiful_bastard

I wish more people knew that Nuland's actions are driven by pure ethnic hatred. There are TONS of people like her in the Cathedral.

Demons of Chaos.

@UncleIroh @beautiful_bastard All I want is my country to be in one piece again and be left alone.

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