We've all noticed MGTOW going mainstream. It seems women are just beginning to realize that they fucked up somewhere somehow.

But really, how blue-pilled are the normies in our circles? Really?

Among friends, family and co-workers, which applies the most:

@UncleIroh Low IQ, lack of self awareness, willful ignorance generally are such major contributions in & of themselves amongst women that their behavior is considered normal.


I'm willing to bet that this changes when true scarcity starts to affect women en masse. Lack of welfare is a hell of an attitude adjuster. Winter is coming.

@UncleIroh Fresh & fit give a good glimpse into the Miami scene which is reflection of most major cities on the normie end which is majority ghetto culture, it's bad, what you're talking about requires time nobody has, especially if you want a family. Living here is really weird compared to Chicago majority of the population is old as fuck(I'm 39 the youngest)to come across the everyday girl nextdoor type of chick is RARE AF outside tourist & club traps.
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