More info on Israelis nuke F-35 shot down by Russia. Larry Johnson gives his analysis. Cathedral has managed to keep this off the normies radar. for how long? who knows?

I did a quick search and found Youtuber and cathedral cocksucker, Ryan Macbeth, attempt to smear and discredit Pepe Escobar as a Russian propagandist. He’s so transparent.



Even if Pepe Escobar is wrong on this one, trying to discredit and smear him isn't going to work at this point when so many influential people admire his many years of credible journalism.

@UncleIroh True. Everyone should hope to hell Pepe is wrong


I do hope to hell he is wrong on this one.

Unfortunately, it's completely in-character for the unhinged psychopathic Zionists to do this and have America/Russia cover it up.

They are completely out of control.

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