Tits, dicks and porn.
I can't find a source for the dicks data so that could be bullshit, but the Pornhub maps and tits map look legit.
What jumps out for me is that you can see that women, specifically millenial women, are the drivers behind the transgender, bisexual male, rough sex and bondage categories.
Totally confirms my hunch.
@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo
Also thar Gen Z prefers anime and waifus, meatbag women will be left behind.
Yes, the data does actually support that trend.
@UncleIroh What's weird is that relative interest in transgender porn increases as you walk back from zoomers. Boomers are the most interested. And boomers are apparently the only ones especially interested in bisexual males.
I'm starting to wonder if the HIV epidemic in the 80s forced boomers to put down the feminine penis.
@UncleIroh Top-left is like a gradient from based to cringe. It just gets gayer as it goes.