Calling all gays of MGTOW.

We are mostly straight here, which isn't surprising given that most of us are here through dealing with shitty women.

I look at my old blue-pilled simp ways and also the way some young guys carry on with women, and it's like being an ex-alcoholic watching a room full of drunks.

Since faggots can never be glamored by pussy, is there a general gay view on female nature?

Genuinely interested in answers.

Please remove the faggot part. Faggot doesn’t add up.
Try again


So you're MGTOW and gay? Shoot.

If you're MGTOW but not gay then what's your point?

I’m MGTOW and strait. Your mom and middle aged sister hates that shit


If your're MGTOW and straight then shut the fuck up. Not asking you.

@UncleIroh @Deplorable_Degenerate
American jet pilots are gonna bomb the Knesset.

Remember the USS Liberty
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